27 D'OCTUBRE DE 2019 - OCTOBER 27TH 2019 TEXT IN ENGLISH BELOW M'acabo d'adonar que aquests darrers dies s'ha volgut contactar l'administrador de THE.CAT per a veure si aquest domini està a la venda. THE.CAT no només no està a la venda sinó que en les properes setmanes anirà mostrant cada cop més contingut personal relacionat amb les meves vivències a Londres. NOTA 19 DE FEBRER DE 2022: THE.CAT segueix no estant a la venda. I just have noticed that lately the administrator of THE.CAT has been contacted via others in order to show interest for this domain. THE.CAT, a Catalan domain related to the Catalan language and culture, is not just not on sale but its administrator intends to show in the following weeks more personal content written in Catalan about the experiences in London. NOTE 19TH FEBRUARY 2022 THE.CAT is still not on sale. More content about London could be coming soon maybe just as a link to a blog about London where I will comment about the places I have found of interest in London.